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The str library contains functions that are used for string manipulations.

Note: many of the functions typically found in a string standard library are found in the seq library instead as they work for any sequenced data structure including strings. These include standard operations such as //seq.contains, //seq.concat,//seq.join, //seq.sub, //seq.split, //seq.trim_prefix, //seq.trim_suffix.

//str.lower(s <: string) <: string#

lower returns the string s with all of the character converted to lowercase.


//str.lower("HeLLo ThErE")"hello there"
//str.lower("GENERAL KENOBI WHAT A SURPRISE")"general kenobi what a surprise"

//str.upper(s <: string) <: string#

upper returns the string s with all of the character converted to uppercase.


//str.upper("HeLLo ThErE")"HELLO THERE"
//str.upper("did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise")"DID YOU EVER HEAR THE TRAGEDY OF DARTH PLAGUEIS THE WISE"

//str.title(s: string) <: string#

title returns the string s with all the first letter of each word delimited by a white space capitalised.


//str.title("laser noises pew pew pew")"Laser Noises Pew Pew Pew"